De-“mist”-ifying the Cloud: 9 Tips to Avoid Cloud-Based Malpractice

To have one's head in the clouds (idiom): (1) lacking attention to physical reality; (2) to be out of touch with the everyday world; (3) to have unrealistic or impractical ideas.

photo-1427348693976-99e4aca06bb9For the average person, having your head in the clouds is an idiomatic synonym for daydreaming or absentmindedness. As an attorney, having your head in the clouds might be a downright liability. But putting your practice management in the clouds is quite the opposite—it’s a conscious choice that can actually help shield you from professional malpractice.

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Shake: Offer, Acceptance, and an iPhone

public-domain-images-free-stock-photos-apple-iphone-iphone-6-1000x667Last Sunday I ordered a mouth-wateringly delicious pepperoni and pineapple pizza—don’t knock it til you try it. After waiting 45 torturous minutes, I was shocked when my pizza consumption was delayed even further because delivery guy forgot a pen for the receipt.

As he memorized the amount of tip to add to my card back at the restaurant, I thought, “those iPhone finger signatures make life so much easier.” The same thought occurred to the founders of Shake—the app that puts contracts at your (literal) fingertips.

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